
903 B

Bookmark Extractors

These are two small, simple utilities for extracting Evernote (ENEX) and Delicious bookmarks to Emacs ORG mode, written in Hy version 0.12. These are fairly idiosyncratic; The Enex extractor assumes you have an Enex file available for extraction; the Delicious extractor assumes you have working access to your http://del.icio.us repository.

version number: 0.0.2 author: Elf M. Sternberg

Installation / Usage

To use, clone the repo:

$ git clone https://github.com/elfsternberg/extractbookmarks.git
$ python setup.py install


$ hy ./extract-enex <path to a .enex archive>
$ hy ./extract-delicious 'http://del.icio.us/your-name?page=1' > Delicious.org

The Enex extraction will create a default Bookmarks.org file, with each individual bookmark in its own slugified file. Adjust at will.