Hey, all the (current) tests are passing. That's... kinda nifty.

This commit is contained in:
Elf M. Sternberg 2020-10-26 19:49:38 -07:00
parent 72fb3b11ee
commit 8c8352259a
5 changed files with 602 additions and 503 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
mod errors;
mod reference_parser;
mod store;
mod store_private;
mod structs;
pub use crate::errors::NoteStoreError;
@ -58,8 +59,8 @@ mod tests {
fn make_new_note(content: &str) -> row_structs::NewNote {
fn make_new_note(content: &str) -> structs::NewNote {
@ -87,12 +88,12 @@ mod tests {
let note3 = make_new_note("3");
let note3_uuid = storagepool.insert_nested_note(&note3, &note1_uuid, 0).await;
assert!(note3_uuid.is_ok(), "{:?}", note3_uuid);
let note3_uuid = note3_uuid.unwrap();
let _note3_uuid = note3_uuid.unwrap();
let note4 = make_new_note("4");
let note4_uuid = storagepool.insert_nested_note(&note4, &note2_uuid, 0).await;
assert!(note4_uuid.is_ok(), "{:?}", note4_uuid);
let note4_uuid = note4_uuid.unwrap();
let _note4_uuid = note4_uuid.unwrap();
let newpageresult = storagepool.get_page_by_title(&title).await;
let (newpage, newnotes) = newpageresult.unwrap();

View File

@ -24,9 +24,7 @@ impl Finder {
/// Given a content block, return a list of all the page references found
/// within the block. The references may need further massaging.
pub(crate) fn find_links(document: &str) -> Vec<String> {
fn find_links(document: &str) -> Vec<String> {
let arena = Arena::new();
let mut finder = Finder::new();
let root = parse_document(&arena, document, &ComrakOptions::default());
@ -40,7 +38,9 @@ pub(crate) fn find_links(document: &str) -> Vec<String> {
NodeValue::Text(ref text) => Some(
.map(|t| String::from_utf8_lossy(&t.get(1).unwrap().as_bytes()).to_string())
.filter_map(|t| t.get(1))
.map(|t| String::from_utf8_lossy(t.as_bytes()).to_string())
.filter(|s| !s.is_empty())
_ => None,
@ -71,13 +71,13 @@ fn recase(title: &str) -> String {
fn build_page_titles(references: &[String]) -> Vec<String> {
.map(|s| match s.chars().next() {
Some('#') => recase(s),
Some('[') => s.strip_prefix("[[").unwrap().strip_suffix("]]").unwrap().to_string(),
Some(_) => s.clone(),
_ => "".to_string(),
.filter_map(|s| match s.chars().next() {
Some('#') => Some(recase(s)),
Some('[') => Some(s.strip_prefix("[[").unwrap().strip_suffix("]]").unwrap().to_string()),
Some(_) => Some(s.clone()),
_ => None,
.filter(|s| s.is_empty())
.filter(|s| !s.is_empty())

View File

@ -1,46 +1,89 @@
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
//! # Storage layer for Notesmachine
//! This library implements the core functionality of Notesmachine and
//! describes that functionality to a storage layer. There's a bit of
//! intermingling in here which can't be helped, although it may make sense
//! in the future to separate the decomposition of the note content into a
//! higher layer.
//! Notesmachine storage notes consist of two items: Zettle and Kasten,
//! which are German for "Note" and "Box". Here are the basic rules:
//! - Boxes have titles (and date metadata)
//! - Notes have content and a type (and date metadata)
//! - Notes are stored in boxes
//! - Notes are positioned with respect to other notes.
//! - There are two positions:
//! - Siblings, creating lists
//! - Children, creating trees like this one
//! - Notes may have references (pointers) to other boxes
//! - Notes may be moved around
//! - Notes may be deleted
//! - Boxes may be deleted
//! - When a box is renamed, every reference to that box is auto-edited to
//! reflect the change. If a box is renamed to match an existing box, the
//! notes in both boxes are merged.
//! Note-to-note relationships form trees, and are kept in a SQL database of
//! (`parent_id`, `child_id`, `position`, `relationship_type`). The
//! `position` is a monotonic index on the parent (that is, every pair
//! (`parent_id`, `position`) must be unique). The `relationship_type` is
//! an enum and can specify that the relationship is *original*,
//! *embedding*, or *referencing*. An embedded or referenced note may be
//! read/write or read-only with respect to the original, but there is only
//! one original note at any time.
//! Note-to-box relationships form a graph, and are kept in the SQL database
//! as a collection of *edges* from the note to the box (and naturally
//! vice-versa).
//! - Decision: When an original note is deleted, do all references and
//! embeddings also get deleted, or is the oldest one elevated to be a new
//! "original"? Or is that something the user may choose?
//! - Decision: Should the merging issue be handled at this layer, or would
//! it make sense to move this to a higher layer, and only provide the
//! hooks for it here?
use crate::errors::NoteStoreError;
use crate::reference_parser::build_references;
use crate::structs::{
JustId, JustSlugs, NewNote, NewNoteBuilder, NewPage, NewPageBuilder, NoteRelationship, PageTitles, RawNote,
RawPage, RowCount,
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use regex::Regex;
use shrinkwraprs::Shrinkwrap;
use slug::slugify;
use sqlx::{
sqlite::{Sqlite, SqlitePool, SqliteRow},
Done, Executor, Row,
use crate::store_private::*;
use crate::structs::*;
use sqlx::sqlite::SqlitePool;
use std::cmp;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::sync::Arc;
#[derive(Shrinkwrap, Copy, Clone)]
struct PageId(i64);
#[derive(Shrinkwrap, Copy, Clone)]
struct NoteId(i64);
#[derive(Shrinkwrap, Copy, Clone)]
struct ParentId(i64);
/// A handle to our Sqlite database.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct NoteStore(Arc<SqlitePool>);
type NoteResult<T> = core::result::Result<T, NoteStoreError>;
type SqlResult<T> = sqlx::Result<T>;
// One thing that's pretty terrible about this code is that the
// Executor type in Sqlx is move-only, so it can only be used once per
// outgoing function call. That means that a lot of this code is
// internally duplicated, which sucks. I tried using the Acquire()
// trait, but its interaction with Executor was not very
// deterministic.
impl NoteStore {
/// Initializes a new instance of the note store. Note that the
/// note store holds an Arc internally; this code is (I think)
/// safe to Send.
pub async fn new(url: &str) -> NoteResult<Self> {
let pool = SqlitePool::connect(url).await?;
// Erase all the data in the database and restore it
// to its original empty form. Do not use unless you
// really, really want that to happen.
/// Erase all the data in the database and restore it
/// to its original empty form. Do not use unless you
/// really, really want that to happen.
pub async fn reset_database(&self) -> NoteResult<()> {
@ -93,7 +136,6 @@ impl NoteStore {
Ok((page, notes))
// TODO: Make sure the position is sane.
/// Insert a note as the child of an existing note, at a set position.
pub async fn insert_nested_note(
@ -107,19 +149,24 @@ impl NoteStore {
let mut tx = self.0.begin().await?;
// Start by building the note and putting it into its relationship.
let parent_id: ParentId = select_note_id_for_uuid(&mut tx, parent_note_uuid).await?;
// Ensure new position is sane
println!("Assert Max Child Position");
let parent_max_position = assert_max_child_position_for_note(&mut tx, parent_id).await?;
let position = if position > parent_max_position {
parent_max_position + 1
} else {
let position = cmp::min(parent_max_position + 1, position);
let new_note_id = insert_one_new_note(&mut tx, &new_note).await?;
let _ = make_room_for_new_note(&mut tx, parent_id, position).await?;
let _ = insert_note_to_note_relationship(&mut tx, parent_id, new_note_id, position, "note").await?;
// From the references, make lists of pages that exist, and pages
// that do not.
let found_references = find_all_page_references_for(&mut tx, &references).await?;
let new_references = diff_references(&references, &found_references);
let mut known_reference_ids: Vec<PageId> = Vec::new();
@ -127,14 +174,18 @@ impl NoteStore {
// Create the pages that don't exist
for one_reference in new_references.iter() {
let new_root_note = create_unique_root_note();
let new_root_note_id = insert_one_new_note(&mut tx, &new_root_note).await?;
let new_page_slug = generate_slug(&mut tx, &one_reference).await?;
let new_page = create_new_page_for(&one_reference, &new_page_slug, new_root_note_id);
known_reference_ids.push(insert_one_new_page(&mut tx, &new_page).await?)
// And associate the note with all the pages.
known_reference_ids.append(&mut found_references.iter().map(|r| PageId(r.id)).collect());
let _ = insert_note_to_page_relationships(&mut tx, new_note_id, &known_reference_ids).await?;
@ -145,7 +196,6 @@ impl NoteStore {
// dependent entirely on the *content*, and not the *position*, of
// the note and the referenced page.
// TODO: Ensure the position is sane.
/// Move a note from one location to another.
pub async fn move_note(
@ -178,11 +228,7 @@ impl NoteStore {
let _ = delete_note_to_note_relationship(&mut tx, old_parent_id, note_id).await?;
let _ = close_hole_for_deleted_note(&mut tx, old_parent_id, old_note_position).await?;
let parent_max_position = assert_max_child_position_for_note(&mut tx, new_parent_id).await?;
let new_position = if new_position > parent_max_position {
parent_max_position + 1
} else {
let new_position = cmp::min(parent_max_position + 1, new_position);
let _ = make_room_for_new_note(&mut tx, new_parent_id, new_position).await?;
let _ =
insert_note_to_note_relationship(&mut tx, new_parent_id, note_id, new_position, old_note_nature).await?;
@ -208,7 +254,8 @@ impl NoteStore {
/// Delete a note
/// Deletes a note. If the note's relationship drops to zero, all
/// references from that note to pages are also deleted.
pub async fn delete_note(&self, note_uuid: &str, note_parent_uuid: &str) -> NoteResult<()> {
let mut tx = self.0.begin().await?;
let condemned_note_id: NoteId = NoteId(select_note_id_for_uuid(&mut tx, note_uuid).await?.0);
@ -222,7 +269,8 @@ impl NoteStore {
/// Update a note's content
/// Updates a note's content. Completely rebuilds the note's
/// outgoing edge reference list every time.
pub async fn update_note_content(&self, note_uuid: &str, content: &str) -> NoteResult<()> {
let references = build_references(&content);
@ -252,451 +300,3 @@ impl NoteStore {
// ___ _ _
// | _ \_ _(_)_ ____ _| |_ ___
// | _/ '_| \ V / _` | _/ -_)
// |_| |_| |_|\_/\__,_|\__\___|
// I'm putting a lot of faith in Rust's ability to inline stuff. I'm
// sure this is okay. But really, this lets the API be clean and
// coherent and easily readable, and hides away the gnarliness of some
// of the SQL queries.
async fn reset_database<'a, E>(executor: E) -> SqlResult<()>
E: Executor<'a, Database = Sqlite>,
let initialize_sql = include_str!("sql/initialize_database.sql");
sqlx::query(initialize_sql).execute(executor).await.map(|_| ())
async fn select_page_by_slug<'a, E>(executor: E, slug: &str) -> SqlResult<RawPage>
E: Executor<'a, Database = Sqlite>,
let select_one_page_by_slug_sql = concat!(
"SELECT id, title, slug, note_id, creation_date, updated_date, ",
"lastview_date, deleted_date FROM pages WHERE slug=?;"
async fn select_page_by_title<'a, E>(executor: E, title: &str) -> SqlResult<RawPage>
E: Executor<'a, Database = Sqlite>,
let select_one_page_by_title_sql = concat!(
"SELECT id, title, slug, note_id, creation_date, updated_date, ",
"lastview_date, deleted_date FROM pages WHERE title=?;"
async fn select_note_id_for_uuid<'a, E>(executor: E, uuid: &str) -> SqlResult<ParentId>
E: Executor<'a, Database = Sqlite>,
let select_note_id_for_uuid_sql = "SELECT id FROM notes WHERE uuid = ?";
let id: JustId = sqlx::query_as(&select_note_id_for_uuid_sql)
async fn make_room_for_new_note<'a, E>(executor: E, parent_id: ParentId, position: i64) -> SqlResult<()>
E: Executor<'a, Database = Sqlite>,
let make_room_for_new_note_sql = concat!(
"UPDATE note_relationships ",
"SET position = position + 1 ",
"WHERE position >= ? and parent_id = ?;"
.map(|_| ())
async fn insert_note_to_note_relationship<'a, E>(
executor: E,
parent_id: ParentId,
note_id: NoteId,
position: i64,
nature: &str,
) -> SqlResult<()>
E: Executor<'a, Database = Sqlite>,
let insert_note_to_note_relationship_sql = concat!(
"INSERT INTO note_relationships (parent_id, note_id, position, nature) ",
"values (?, ?, ?, ?)"
.map(|_| ())
async fn select_note_collection_from_root<'a, E>(executor: E, root: i64) -> SqlResult<Vec<RawNote>>
E: Executor<'a, Database = Sqlite>,
let select_note_collection_from_root_sql = include_str!("sql/select_note_collection_from_root.sql");
async fn insert_one_new_note<'a, E>(executor: E, note: &NewNote) -> SqlResult<NoteId>
E: Executor<'a, Database = Sqlite>,
let insert_one_note_sql = concat!(
"INSERT INTO notes ( ",
" uuid, ",
" content, ",
" notetype, ",
" creation_date, ",
" updated_date, ",
" lastview_date) ",
"VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);"
// Given a possible slug, find the slug with the highest
// uniquification number, and return that number, if any.
fn find_maximal_slug(slugs: &[JustSlugs]) -> Option<u32> {
lazy_static! {
static ref RE_CAP_NUM: Regex = Regex::new(r"-(\d+)$").unwrap();
if slugs.is_empty() {
return None;
let mut slug_counters: Vec<u32> = slugs
.filter_map(|slug| RE_CAP_NUM.captures(&slug.slug))
.map(|cap| cap.get(1).unwrap().as_str().parse::<u32>().unwrap())
// Given an initial string and an existing collection of slugs,
// generate a new slug that does not conflict with the current
// collection.
async fn generate_slug<'a, E>(executor: E, title: &str) -> SqlResult<String>
E: Executor<'a, Database = Sqlite>,
lazy_static! {
static ref RE_STRIP_NUM: Regex = Regex::new(r"-\d+$").unwrap();
let initial_slug = slugify(title);
let sample_slug = RE_STRIP_NUM.replace_all(&initial_slug, "");
let slug_finder_sql = "SELECT slug FROM pages WHERE slug LIKE '?%';";
let similar_slugs: Vec<JustSlugs> = sqlx::query_as(&slug_finder_sql)
let maximal_slug = find_maximal_slug(&similar_slugs);
match maximal_slug {
None => Ok(initial_slug),
Some(max_slug) => Ok(format!("{}-{}", initial_slug, max_slug + 1)),
async fn insert_one_new_page<'a, E>(executor: E, page: &NewPage) -> SqlResult<PageId>
E: Executor<'a, Database = Sqlite>,
let insert_one_page_sql = concat!(
"INSERT INTO pages ( ",
" slug, ",
" title, ",
" note_id, ",
" creation_date, ",
" updated_date, ",
" lastview_date) ",
"VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);"
async fn insert_note_to_page_relationships<'a, E>(
executor: E,
note_id: NoteId,
references: &[PageId],
) -> SqlResult<()>
E: Executor<'a, Database = Sqlite>,
let insert_note_page_references_sql = "INSERT INTO page_relationships (note_id, page_id) VALUES ".to_string()
+ &["(?, ?)"].repeat(references.len()).join(", ")
+ &";".to_string();
let mut request = sqlx::query(&insert_note_page_references_sql);
for reference in references {
request = request.bind(*note_id).bind(**reference);
request.execute(executor).await.map(|_| ())
// For a given collection of uuids, retrieve the internal ID used by
// the database.
async fn bulk_select_ids_for_note_uuids<'a, E>(executor: E, ids: &[&str]) -> SqlResult<Vec<(String, i64)>>
E: Executor<'a, Database = Sqlite>,
let bulk_select_ids_for_note_uuids_sql = "SELECT uuid, id FROM notes WHERE uuid IN (".to_string()
+ &["?"].repeat(ids.len()).join(",")
+ &");".to_string();
let mut request = sqlx::query(&bulk_select_ids_for_note_uuids_sql);
for id in ids.iter() {
request = request.bind(id);
.try_map(|row: SqliteRow| {
let l = row.try_get::<String, _>(0)?;
let r = row.try_get::<i64, _>(1)?;
Ok((l, r))
// Used by move_note to identify the single note to note relationship
// by the original parent and child pair. Used mostly to find the
// position for recalculation, to create a new gap or close an old
// one.
async fn get_note_to_note_relationship<'a, E>(
executor: E,
parent_id: ParentId,
note_id: NoteId,
) -> SqlResult<NoteRelationship>
E: Executor<'a, Database = Sqlite>,
let get_note_to_note_relationship_sql = concat!(
"SELECT parent_id, note_id, position, nature ",
"FROM note_relationships ",
"WHERE parent_id = ? and note_id = ? ",
async fn delete_note_to_note_relationship<'a, E>(executor: E, parent_id: ParentId, note_id: NoteId) -> SqlResult<()>
E: Executor<'a, Database = Sqlite>,
let delete_note_to_note_relationship_sql = concat!(
"DELETE FROM note_relationships ",
"WHERE parent_id = ? and note_id = ? "
let count = sqlx::query(delete_note_to_note_relationship_sql)
match count {
1 => Ok(()),
_ => Err(sqlx::Error::RowNotFound),
async fn delete_note_to_page_relationships<'a, E>(executor: E, note_id: NoteId) -> SqlResult<()>
E: Executor<'a, Database = Sqlite>,
let delete_note_to_page_relationships_sql = concat!("DELETE FROM page_relationships ", "WHERE note_id = ? ");
let _ = sqlx::query(delete_note_to_page_relationships_sql)
async fn delete_note<'a, E>(executor: E, note_id: NoteId) -> SqlResult<()>
E: Executor<'a, Database = Sqlite>,
let delete_note_sql = concat!("DELETE FROM notes WHERE note_id = ?");
let count = sqlx::query(delete_note_sql)
match count {
1 => Ok(()),
_ => Err(sqlx::Error::RowNotFound),
async fn count_existing_note_relationships<'a, E>(executor: E, note_id: NoteId) -> SqlResult<i64>
E: Executor<'a, Database = Sqlite>,
let count_existing_note_relationships_sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM page_relationships WHERE note_id = ?";
let count: RowCount = sqlx::query_as(count_existing_note_relationships_sql)
async fn assert_max_child_position_for_note<'a, E>(executor: E, note_id: ParentId) -> SqlResult<i64>
E: Executor<'a, Database = Sqlite>,
let assert_max_child_position_for_note_sql =
"SELECT MAX(position) as count FROM note_relationships WHERE parent_id = ?";
let count: RowCount = sqlx::query_as(assert_max_child_position_for_note_sql)
// After removing a note, recalculate the position of all notes under
// the parent note, such that there order is now completely
// sequential.
async fn close_hole_for_deleted_note<'a, E>(executor: E, parent_id: ParentId, position: i64) -> SqlResult<()>
E: Executor<'a, Database = Sqlite>,
let close_hole_for_deleted_note_sql = concat!(
"UPDATE note_relationships ",
"SET position = position - 1 ",
"WHERE position > ? and parent_id = ?;"
.map(|_| ())
async fn find_all_page_references_for<'a, E>(executor: E, references: &[String]) -> SqlResult<Vec<PageTitles>>
E: Executor<'a, Database = Sqlite>,
let find_all_references_for_sql = "SELECT id, title FROM pages WHERE title IN (".to_string()
+ &["?"].repeat(references.len()).join(",")
+ &");".to_string();
let mut request = sqlx::query_as(&find_all_references_for_sql);
for id in references.iter() {
request = request.bind(id);
async fn update_note_content<'a, E>(executor: E, note_id: NoteId, content: &str) -> SqlResult<()>
E: Executor<'a, Database = Sqlite>,
let update_note_content_sql = "UPDATE notes SET content = ? WHERE note_id = ?";
let count = sqlx::query(update_note_content_sql)
match count {
1 => Ok(()),
_ => Err(sqlx::Error::RowNotFound),
fn create_unique_root_note() -> NewNote {
fn create_new_page_for(title: &str, slug: &str, note_id: NoteId) -> NewPage {
// Given the references supplied, and the references found in the datastore,
// return a list of the references not found in the datastore.
fn diff_references(references: &[String], found_references: &[PageTitles]) -> Vec<String> {
let all: HashSet<String> = references.iter().cloned().collect();
let found: HashSet<String> = found_references.iter().map(|r| r.title.clone()).collect();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
use crate::structs::*;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use regex::Regex;
use slug::slugify;
use sqlx::{
sqlite::{Sqlite, SqliteRow},
Done, Executor, Row,
use std::collections::HashSet;
type SqlResult<T> = sqlx::Result<T>;
// ___ _ _
// | _ \_ _(_)_ ____ _| |_ ___
// | _/ '_| \ V / _` | _/ -_)
// |_| |_| |_|\_/\__,_|\__\___|
// I'm putting a lot of faith in Rust's ability to inline stuff. I'm
// sure this is okay. But really, this lets the API be clean and
// coherent and easily readable, and hides away the gnarliness of some
// of the SQL queries.
pub(crate) async fn reset_database<'a, E>(executor: E) -> SqlResult<()>
E: Executor<'a, Database = Sqlite>,
let initialize_sql = include_str!("sql/initialize_database.sql");
sqlx::query(initialize_sql).execute(executor).await.map(|_| ())
pub(crate) async fn select_page_by_slug<'a, E>(executor: E, slug: &str) -> SqlResult<RawPage>
E: Executor<'a, Database = Sqlite>,
let select_one_page_by_slug_sql = concat!(
"SELECT id, title, slug, note_id, creation_date, updated_date, ",
"lastview_date, deleted_date FROM pages WHERE slug=?;"
pub(crate) async fn select_page_by_title<'a, E>(executor: E, title: &str) -> SqlResult<RawPage>
E: Executor<'a, Database = Sqlite>,
let select_one_page_by_title_sql = concat!(
"SELECT id, title, slug, note_id, creation_date, updated_date, ",
"lastview_date, deleted_date FROM pages WHERE title=?;"
pub(crate) async fn select_note_id_for_uuid<'a, E>(executor: E, uuid: &str) -> SqlResult<ParentId>
E: Executor<'a, Database = Sqlite>,
let select_note_id_for_uuid_sql = "SELECT id FROM notes WHERE uuid = ?;";
let id: JustId = sqlx::query_as(&select_note_id_for_uuid_sql)
pub(crate) async fn make_room_for_new_note<'a, E>(executor: E, parent_id: ParentId, position: i64) -> SqlResult<()>
E: Executor<'a, Database = Sqlite>,
let make_room_for_new_note_sql = concat!(
"UPDATE note_relationships ",
"SET position = position + 1 ",
"WHERE position >= ? and parent_id = ?;"
.map(|_| ())
pub(crate) async fn insert_note_to_note_relationship<'a, E>(
executor: E,
parent_id: ParentId,
note_id: NoteId,
position: i64,
nature: &str,
) -> SqlResult<()>
E: Executor<'a, Database = Sqlite>,
let insert_note_to_note_relationship_sql = concat!(
"INSERT INTO note_relationships (parent_id, note_id, position, nature) ",
"values (?, ?, ?, ?)"
.map(|_| ())
pub(crate) async fn select_note_collection_from_root<'a, E>(executor: E, root: i64) -> SqlResult<Vec<RawNote>>
E: Executor<'a, Database = Sqlite>,
let select_note_collection_from_root_sql = include_str!("sql/select_note_collection_from_root.sql");
pub(crate) async fn insert_one_new_note<'a, E>(executor: E, note: &NewNote) -> SqlResult<NoteId>
E: Executor<'a, Database = Sqlite>,
let insert_one_note_sql = concat!(
"INSERT INTO notes ( ",
" uuid, ",
" content, ",
" notetype, ",
" creation_date, ",
" updated_date, ",
" lastview_date) ",
"VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);"
// Given a possible slug, find the slug with the highest
// uniquification number, and return that number, if any.
pub(crate) fn find_maximal_slug(slugs: &[JustSlugs]) -> Option<u32> {
lazy_static! {
static ref RE_CAP_NUM: Regex = Regex::new(r"-(\d+)$").unwrap();
if slugs.is_empty() {
return None;
let mut slug_counters: Vec<u32> = slugs
.filter_map(|slug| RE_CAP_NUM.captures(&slug.slug))
.map(|cap| cap.get(1).unwrap().as_str().parse::<u32>().unwrap())
// Given an initial string and an existing collection of slugs,
// generate a new slug that does not conflict with the current
// collection.
pub(crate) async fn generate_slug<'a, E>(executor: E, title: &str) -> SqlResult<String>
E: Executor<'a, Database = Sqlite>,
lazy_static! {
static ref RE_STRIP_NUM: Regex = Regex::new(r"-\d+$").unwrap();
let initial_slug = slugify(title);
let sample_slug = RE_STRIP_NUM.replace_all(&initial_slug, "");
let slug_finder_sql = "SELECT slug FROM pages WHERE slug LIKE '?%';";
let similar_slugs: Vec<JustSlugs> = sqlx::query_as(&slug_finder_sql)
let maximal_slug = find_maximal_slug(&similar_slugs);
match maximal_slug {
None => Ok(initial_slug),
Some(max_slug) => Ok(format!("{}-{}", initial_slug, max_slug + 1)),
pub(crate) async fn insert_one_new_page<'a, E>(executor: E, page: &NewPage) -> SqlResult<PageId>
E: Executor<'a, Database = Sqlite>,
let insert_one_page_sql = concat!(
"INSERT INTO pages ( ",
" slug, ",
" title, ",
" note_id, ",
" creation_date, ",
" updated_date, ",
" lastview_date) ",
"VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);"
pub(crate) async fn insert_note_to_page_relationships<'a, E>(
executor: E,
note_id: NoteId,
references: &[PageId],
) -> SqlResult<()>
E: Executor<'a, Database = Sqlite>,
if references.is_empty() {
return Ok(());
let insert_note_page_references_sql = "INSERT INTO page_relationships (note_id, page_id) VALUES ".to_string()
+ &["(?, ?)"].repeat(references.len()).join(", ")
+ &";".to_string();
let mut request = sqlx::query(&insert_note_page_references_sql);
for reference in references {
request = request.bind(*note_id).bind(**reference);
request.execute(executor).await.map(|_| ())
// For a given collection of uuids, retrieve the internal ID used by
// the database.
pub(crate) async fn bulk_select_ids_for_note_uuids<'a, E>(executor: E, ids: &[&str]) -> SqlResult<Vec<(String, i64)>>
E: Executor<'a, Database = Sqlite>,
if ids.is_empty() {
return Ok(vec![]);
let bulk_select_ids_for_note_uuids_sql = "SELECT uuid, id FROM notes WHERE uuid IN (".to_string()
+ &["?"].repeat(ids.len()).join(",")
+ &");".to_string();
let mut request = sqlx::query(&bulk_select_ids_for_note_uuids_sql);
for id in ids.iter() {
request = request.bind(id);
.try_map(|row: SqliteRow| {
let l = row.try_get::<String, _>(0)?;
let r = row.try_get::<i64, _>(1)?;
Ok((l, r))
// Used by move_note to identify the single note to note relationship
// by the original parent and child pair. Used mostly to find the
// position for recalculation, to create a new gap or close an old
// one.
pub(crate) async fn get_note_to_note_relationship<'a, E>(
executor: E,
parent_id: ParentId,
note_id: NoteId,
) -> SqlResult<NoteRelationship>
E: Executor<'a, Database = Sqlite>,
let get_note_to_note_relationship_sql = concat!(
"SELECT parent_id, note_id, position, nature ",
"FROM note_relationships ",
"WHERE parent_id = ? and note_id = ? ",
pub(crate) async fn delete_note_to_note_relationship<'a, E>(
executor: E,
parent_id: ParentId,
note_id: NoteId,
) -> SqlResult<()>
E: Executor<'a, Database = Sqlite>,
let delete_note_to_note_relationship_sql = concat!(
"DELETE FROM note_relationships ",
"WHERE parent_id = ? and note_id = ? "
let count = sqlx::query(delete_note_to_note_relationship_sql)
match count {
1 => Ok(()),
_ => Err(sqlx::Error::RowNotFound),
pub(crate) async fn delete_note_to_page_relationships<'a, E>(executor: E, note_id: NoteId) -> SqlResult<()>
E: Executor<'a, Database = Sqlite>,
let delete_note_to_page_relationships_sql = "DELETE FROM page_relationships WHERE note_id = ?;";
let _ = sqlx::query(delete_note_to_page_relationships_sql)
pub(crate) async fn delete_note<'a, E>(executor: E, note_id: NoteId) -> SqlResult<()>
E: Executor<'a, Database = Sqlite>,
let delete_note_sql = "DELETE FROM notes WHERE note_id = ?";
let count = sqlx::query(delete_note_sql)
match count {
1 => Ok(()),
_ => Err(sqlx::Error::RowNotFound),
pub(crate) async fn count_existing_note_relationships<'a, E>(executor: E, note_id: NoteId) -> SqlResult<i64>
E: Executor<'a, Database = Sqlite>,
let count_existing_note_relationships_sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM page_relationships WHERE note_id = ?;";
let count: RowCount = sqlx::query_as(count_existing_note_relationships_sql)
pub(crate) async fn assert_max_child_position_for_note<'a, E>(executor: E, note_id: ParentId) -> SqlResult<i64>
E: Executor<'a, Database = Sqlite>,
let assert_max_child_position_for_note_sql =
"SELECT MAX(position) AS count FROM note_relationships WHERE parent_id = ?;";
let count: RowCount = sqlx::query_as(assert_max_child_position_for_note_sql)
// After removing a note, recalculate the position of all notes under
// the parent note, such that there order is now completely
// sequential.
pub(crate) async fn close_hole_for_deleted_note<'a, E>(executor: E, parent_id: ParentId, position: i64) -> SqlResult<()>
E: Executor<'a, Database = Sqlite>,
let close_hole_for_deleted_note_sql = concat!(
"UPDATE note_relationships ",
"SET position = position - 1 ",
"WHERE position > ? and parent_id = ?;"
.map(|_| ())
pub(crate) async fn find_all_page_references_for<'a, E>(
executor: E,
references: &[String],
) -> SqlResult<Vec<PageTitles>>
E: Executor<'a, Database = Sqlite>,
if references.is_empty() {
return Ok(vec![]);
let find_all_references_for_sql = "SELECT id, title FROM pages WHERE title IN (".to_string()
+ &["?"].repeat(references.len()).join(",")
+ &");".to_string();
let mut request = sqlx::query_as(&find_all_references_for_sql);
for id in references.iter() {
request = request.bind(id);
pub(crate) async fn update_note_content<'a, E>(executor: E, note_id: NoteId, content: &str) -> SqlResult<()>
E: Executor<'a, Database = Sqlite>,
let update_note_content_sql = "UPDATE notes SET content = ? WHERE note_id = ?";
let count = sqlx::query(update_note_content_sql)
match count {
1 => Ok(()),
_ => Err(sqlx::Error::RowNotFound),
pub(crate) fn create_unique_root_note() -> NewNote {
pub(crate) fn create_new_page_for(title: &str, slug: &str, note_id: NoteId) -> NewPage {
// Given the references supplied, and the references found in the datastore,
// return a list of the references not found in the datastore.
pub(crate) fn diff_references(references: &[String], found_references: &[PageTitles]) -> Vec<String> {
let all: HashSet<String> = references.iter().cloned().collect();
let found: HashSet<String> = found_references.iter().map(|r| r.title.clone()).collect();

View File

@ -1,8 +1,22 @@
use chrono::{DateTime, Utc};
use derive_builder::Builder;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use shrinkwraprs::Shrinkwrap;
use sqlx::{self, FromRow};
#[derive(Shrinkwrap, Copy, Clone)]
pub(crate) struct PageId(pub i64);
#[derive(Shrinkwrap, Copy, Clone)]
pub(crate) struct NoteId(pub i64);
#[derive(Shrinkwrap, Copy, Clone)]
pub(crate) struct ParentId(pub i64);
/// A RawPage is what this layer of the API returns when requesting a
/// page. Note that usually what you'll get back in the RawPage and a
/// Vec<RawNote>. It's the next level's responsibility to turn that
/// into a proper tree.
#[derive(Clone, Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, FromRow)]
pub struct RawPage {
pub id: i64,
@ -15,6 +29,8 @@ pub struct RawPage {
pub deleted_date: Option<DateTime<Utc>>,
/// A RawNote is what this layer of the API returns
/// when requesting a note.
#[derive(Clone, Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, FromRow)]
pub struct RawNote {
pub id: i64,
@ -30,6 +46,7 @@ pub struct RawNote {
pub deleted_date: Option<DateTime<Utc>>,
/// The interface for passing a new page to the store.
#[derive(Clone, Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Builder)]
pub struct NewPage {
pub slug: String,
@ -45,6 +62,7 @@ pub struct NewPage {
pub deleted_date: Option<DateTime<Utc>>,
/// The interface for passing a new note to the store.
#[derive(Clone, Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Builder)]
pub struct NewNote {
#[builder(default = r#""".to_string()"#)]